Custom configuration in meddevo

While meddevo is a pre-configured system that offers many solutions for different frameworks and different areas of regulatory affairs, depending on your specific portfolio, your specific products or simply on the historically grown customs of your company, not everything will fit perfectly from the first second on.

meddevo is structured via various collections containing different contentfields, the content of which is displayed and managed in entry views and in the end get put into documents. However, this is not just about automation, but also about monitoring the data. If the data has changed, the documents will indicate in future that they need to be updated.

To enable the grouping of products, meddevo offers three levels - the eTD, the product groups and the products. Different information can be maintained at different levels and flow into different documents - but perhaps not always in the manner that is most suitable for you.

This is why meddevo offers the option of custom configuration. Some changes can be implemented by us after consultation, but 99% of the functions are also directly available to you.

In many cases, the best way to understand meddevo is to jump into the system and get started - we will never be able to teach you all the details meddevo has to offer without hands-on experience on your side.

At this point, however, there is one general information we want you to be aware of when working on custom configurations for your workspace: 

Anything custom configured will not be affected by future updates and improvements made by the meddevo staff.

Let´s for example take a look at the product entry view. The "entry view" is the manner in which different contentfields concerning a product are presented meddevo. This view is adaptable and any contentfield given in the collection can or can not be displayed in the view. Our standard view is oriented on the order the information are asked for in the MDR/IVDR. By creating a new one (or duplicating the standard one and saving under a custom name) you are fully free to display information in any order, add your own contentfields or take out predefined ones.

Any future changes to the standard view - perhaps we from the meddevo staff have new and advanced contentfields, that we want to offer in the future - will not be displayed in your view. This would require us to mess with your data, something we generally do not do. Consequently any new fields we add that might be interesting for you, or that could be part of new features and templates, are not present in your custom view. Of course you can add them! But this requires constant maintenance effort on your side to manually adapt your view and keep up to date with the newest features of meddevo.

Keep this in mind before you start creating your own custom content.

If you see substantial need to make changes, we would like to recommend the following:  Contact us and together we will create a "best practice solution". Your ideas are most likely not only relevant for you, but also for other users. Instead of individual configurations with the disadvantages mentioned above, we can incorporate improvements into the standard configuration and make them available to all users. In this way, you avoid the disadvantages and consequences of individual configurations and also benefit from all the improvements that other users suggest to us.

If individual customizations are still the right way for you, we would like to provide you with the following table as a basis for your decision:

Things you can customize in meddevoPossible shortcomings and consequences
Add contentfields to collectionsIf meddevo will add those contentfields in the future you have duplicates.
Delete contentfields in collectionsWhile there currently is still a delete button on each contentfield, this button is without function. We strongly advice against deleting predefined contentfields from collections as they might impact other features and templates.
Adding contentfields to an entry viewThis always requires a new view. If meddevo adds improvements to the standard view, those will not be applied to your custom view.
Deleting contentfields from an entry viewThis always requires a new view. If meddevo adds improvements to the standard view, those will not be applied to your custom view.
Create new collectionIf meddevo will add a similar collections in the future you have duplicates.
Create new connections between collectionsOut of security reasons, the creation of new connections for users is disabled. Connections are very complex. If you see need for a new connection, please get in touch with our team.
Create new templatesCreating your own templates is something we highly recommend. There are no shortcomings to this.

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