Information is missing in documents

If you are wondering why certain data does not appear in your documents, here are some common reasons and steps to resolve the issue.

1. Data Is Not Approved

Approval is required for all types of data to ensure it appears in documents. This includes:

  • TD Data, Product Group Data, Product Data: Ensure all product details are approved.
  • Other Data: Such as patient populations or indications. Even if product data is approved, missing approvals for other data will prevent it from appearing in documents.


Check the approval status of all relevant data in the system and ensure they are fully approved.

2. Document Monitoring Has Not Been Refreshed

Document monitoring continuously ensures changes are reflected in documents. However, due to the number of documents in the system, this process can take several minutes. Recent changes may not immediately appear.


Use the "Refresh Monitoring" button in the folder preview to speed up the monitoring of a product file or selected documents within a file and ensure the latest changes are captured.

3. Data Origin and Consistency Issues

Data can be stored at various levels:

  • TD Level
  • Product Group Level
  • Product Level

This flexibility allows customization but requires consistency.

Common Scenario:

If data is linked at the product group level in a template and you switch to maintaining it at the product level, the document will continue to display the previous information unless adjustments are made.


Decide on a single system for data maintenance. Update the document design to align with the new data level. Ideally, delete redundant data from other levels (e.g., product group level) to avoid conflicts.

4. Template Changes are not automatically applied to Documents

When a document is created from a template, it becomes independent of subsequent template changes.


To apply template changes to an existing document, create a new version of the document using the updated template.

We hope that these common reasons and suggested solutions can help you - if you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us or leave feedback on this article.

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